As I’ve mentioned in the past, we’ve had a hard time in the past couple of years with our youngest child. He has a speech delay, low muscle tone and some behavioral and attention issues. However, this summer, things have really turned around for him at home. As I recently mentioned, he potty trained (which was a huge deal).
But it started with the end of June. He was sick and ended up missing the last week of school. Then we spent July 4th weekend at my-in-laws’ house upstate. He got to sleep later, rules were more relaxed, we were calmer with him. He started relaxing. His summer program started on July 6th and they marveled at the changes in him. We marveled in the changes in him.
However, I was still so stressed that he wasn’t toilet trained as he was now 4 years, 11 months old. While I had a hard time handling that, I knew I couldn’t handle having a 5 year old in diapers. 4 years, 11 months is an important time for my two other kids also — Skylar was born when B was 4 years, 11 months and A got glasses at 4 years, 11 months. The reason why I called this post 4 years, 11 months is because it’s when everything started really changing and getting better.
So we made plans to do a potty bootcamp at the end of August, but I couldn’t wait anymore. With some help from our new therapist, we just took away the diapers and pull-ups… and worked hard. He trained (see the posts here, here, and here ).
And he stopped using the stroller, well, we stopped using the stroller because he finally calmed down and held our hands as we walked. This is the last time he was in a stroller.
He started dressing himself.
He stopped giving me such a hard time over things (ie. raging when he didn’t get his way or if I cut his food).
He has become close with his big sister. My big one went away for the week (to Boston and then up to my inlaws house upstate). He and his big sister A got to really play together. They made up games, mostly based on Odd Squad and other shows they love. We walked to the local playground, played in the sprinklers. They just kept bonding.

He’s obsessed with yogurt. Even to the point where he prefers that for meals. While it bothers me, at least he eats now. But I can live with that.
He turned 5 two weeks ago and I am so proud of this kid. He starts a special ed K-2 class in two weeks and I think he’s going to do well. He still has his delays and issues, but we feel that in time, he’ll overcome them. Being happier is a huge step. It was his summer and I hope this is his school year too.
Do you have a child with delays? How was their summer?
My son has a speech delay, low muscle tone so he has OT, and he has been improving. It is a struggle but everyday is working towards an improvement. We are so proud of him. Thanks for sharing.
This is the first tome I have visited your blog but it seems like you are making some great progress right now 🙂 #SuperparentSaturday
What a lovely positive post – it sounds like Skylar has come on leaps and bounds in the last few months – well done to both of you! I love his cheeky smile in the last photo – what a handsome little fella! Thanks for linking up again with #SuperparentSaturday x
It sounds like you have been working really hard to achieve the results you have with Skylar. It certainly seems to have paid off! Well done 🙂 thanks for linking up with us for #SuperparentSaturday
Sounds like he’s making some really good progress and big leaps. My son has SPD which we are still learning to help him handle! #SuperParentSaturday