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As I’ve mentioned before, focusing on making myself healthy is a real priority of mine. I take supplements and I exercise. However, I was eating healthyish – but not totally healthy and certainly not tracking what I was eating. While I do exercise, when I’m out of town, away from my gym, I didn’t do much other than normal walking around. 5000 steps a day is not enough, 10,000 is much better. So, being a total cliche’, I started getting on track after the new year. I hate to call it a resolution, but if I had to, yes, I would call it that. I needed changes in my daily life. I needed to see what I was eating and make better choices. And I did something that I knew I needed. I rejoined WW (formerly called Weight Watchers). Read on to find out my why and how you can get some great deals from WW.

For me, WW works. It’s sensible and still lets me live my life. While I’ve been a member on and off since 1988, I just always come back to it. I’ve done meetings and I’ve done it online. I had success with it last year, but stopped once I started having a lot of symptoms for Gastroparesis in April. I had thought I was done being sick after my Gallbladder surgery in November of last year, but naw — Gastroparesis has not been fun. However, after working with my fabulous Gastroenterologist, it’s under control now. As most people do, I feel even better when I am eating healthy and this fall I had gotten lazy with habits. While I still wasn’t going out and going crazy, I wasn’t putting the emphasis on my health. Tracking what I am actually eating helps me to see patterns and to know what portion sizes work for me.
Right now I’d doing the pure digital version. I love the app and the fact that I can scan barcodes to see what a food’s points are.
I’ve committed to six months to be a WW member and I’m hoping I can use this time to be healthier and make good eating choices. I’m happy to report I am already losing weight and feeling much better. The struggle to lose weight after 40 is real, but with WW, it’s doable and something I can easily keep up with.

Breakfast is often a struggle, as three days a week I take my daughter to school around 30 minutes away. I have to go take her and then come back, which means roundtrip is 30 minute train ride there and then I take an hour long bus ride home (it’s easier). To set myself up for success, I pack either hard boiled eggs, a cheese stick or two (1 SP for each light cheese stick) and blueberries). Or I can pack a breakfast sandwich with Joseph’s Flax, Oatbran, and Whole Wheat Pita Bread (1 SP), light swiss cheese (2 or 3 SP, depending on if I have one or two slices), and deli turkey (either 1 or 0 sp depending on the brand). I add a little mustard and it’s delicious.
Here are some of the snacks and meals that I’ve eaten:

WW Deals
For An At Home Work Out
Aaptiv is terrific and you can workout at home using their app.
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