How to Keep Kids Healthy: A Crash Course in Preventing Germs with Lysol #AD | The Mama Maven Blog

We also learned that cold and flu viruses are spread easily from person to person in a variety of ways:

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Here’s the impact in our classrooms and homes that haven’t been mentioned yet:

  1. 22 Million school days are missed due to illness.
  2. Kids can touch and retouch more than 300 surfaces in just 30 minutes.
  3. Americans suffer from 1 billion colds each year.


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Next, we spent some time with Dr. Jennifer Zubler, who is a pediatric consultant with Carter Consulting and works with national and local organizations, like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, surrounding pediatric issues. She is board certified in pediatrics and has worked in private pediatric practice for 10 years with special interests in adolescent medicine, developmental delays, learning differences and developmental disabilities. We discussed going back to school and ways to keep kids OUT of the pediatrician’s office. This was a little more informal than Joe’s talk and we were able to have a great discussion.

Photo by Will Star

We talked about as moms, what we can do to keep our kids safer from germs (yes, washing hands when kids get home from school was mentioned) and Dr. Jen had some terrific ideas (reward kids or make a game out of it). She also talked about the flu shot and that now is the best time to get it, as the flu season is in full mast by October. I hadn’t even thought of that this year yet! So — get your flu shot and have your kids get it too.

Important: The flu shot will only be injectable this year, the mist was proven to be less effective over the last three years, so it will not be available this year. 

So, what can you do to keep your kids healthier this year?

  1. Teach proper hygiene. Make sure you get your kids to wash their hands as soon as they come home from school, before they eat and after they use the bathroom.
  2. Make sure your common surfaces are cleaned regularly. Kitchen tables, bathroom doors, toilet handles, and sink taps are cleaned with a disinfectant like Lysol spray or Lysol wipes.
  3. Check with your children’s teachers to see if they need you to send in Lysol spray or Lysol wipes to clean desks and common surfaces for kids. Some germs are spread through contact with animals or by a bite or scratch.
  4. Get the flu shot! No mist will be offered this year and it’s the best way to lessen the effects of the flu. While it may not prevent the flu, it would shorten any flu that is gotten (by a couple of days).

I think we all got a A+ in Germ Knowledge and Prevention! Since I attended Lysol Germ School I have been more insistent on my children washing their hands as soon as they come in from outside and camp. I also wipe down my sink more often and disinfect doorknobs and sink taps. While this may not keep all the germs away, I hope I can easily prevent colds and viruses from visiting.

Info about Lysol:
Lysol, the leading expert in disinfection for more than 100 years, creates disinfecting products, like Lysol Disinfecting Wipes and Lysol Disinfectant Spray, which kill 99.9% of germs on commonly touched surfaces around the classroom. Be sure to stock your child’s classroom with disinfecting products that combat illnesses like the cold and u, MRSA and strep throat, to help create a healthy back to school season.

Box Tops for Education Eligible:
Lysol has partnered with Box Tops for Education as the exclusive household cleaning brand to promote healthy habits across the U.S. by providing classroom disinfecting products eligible for Box Tops redemption. Help support your child’s school one clean surface at a time with Lysol Disinfecting Wipes and Lysol Disinfectant Spray, both eligible for Box Tops redemption.

Healthy Habits:
Lysol® has partnered with the National Education Association (NEA) and National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) to create the Healthy Habits Program. A cornerstone of the Healthy Habits Program is Healthy Habits Week taking place during peak back to school season – September 19, 2016. Kick off a healthy school year by teaching your children proper hand washing and sneezing techniques to help reduce the spread of colds and the days missed due to common illnesses.

Family activities on healthy habits and additional resources to use around the home during Healthy Habits Week can be found at

Some of the photos are courtesy of Will Star: Links: Facebook or website


Reader Interactions


  1. Robin Rue says

    Lysol is a staple in our house! It has saved us from many colds being passed back and forth throughout the family when one is brought home from school.

  2. Lisa Rios says

    I very much agree that keeping your family healthy is always the primary target anytime as kids are the ones who could get easily affected by germs. We have been using Lysol at home for long & events like this are such a wonderful idea to bring more awareness!

  3. Nikki Wayne says

    Good to know about this. We use Lysol at home and it’s been a decade or two ever since.

  4. Nicole Etolen says

    I love Lysol, good thing my mom trusted this brand ever since so she passed this to me.

  5. Liz Mays says

    Information like this is super important going into the school year. I know we’d like to get through the year without any colds!

  6. Cindy Ingalls says

    Great advice for protecting your kids, yourself and your home from germs. Having the flu is never fun and if you can do something to prevent it or reduce your risk, I’m all for it.

  7. Elizabeth O. says

    Good to know that Lysol is hosting events like this for moms! It’s perfect because we can learn a lot of things from them especially when it comes to dealing with germs. I think it’s great that Lysol partnered with Box Tops as well. That’s really going to help out our local schools.

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