Did you know that roughly 18 million adults in the U.S. have sleep apnea? That’s a pretty scary number. I was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea several years ago. It’s really affected my life — I always wake up exhausted and it’s affected my quality of life and my marriage. However, a CPAP Machine is not for me. I’ve tried it and I was not able to make it successful for me. So, what other options are there? Do I just snore forever? Have my husband throw a pillow at me
every time I wake him up? Or wait for even more serious complications? I finally have some hope. I’m considering something and I want to tell you about it — Inspire. No mask. No hose. Just sleep. Sounds amazing, right? Read on. When You Have Obstructive Sleep Apnea & A CPAP Machine is Not An Option
If you haven’t heard about it, Inspire is an innovative treatment for people like me who have moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea and who are unable or cannot use a CPAP.
Here’s my reason for not being able to handle wearing the CPAP mask – I went for my sleep trial and was diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Then I went to the same center to sleep for a night with the CPAP Machine and Mask. I didn’t think I was an anxious or claustrophobic person, until I put the mask on.

CPAP Machine and Mask
Suddenly I felt major panic. I tried and tried and finally at 3AM (after being totally wide awake), I ripped the mask off and left the facility. The CPAP was not for me! So I kept on snoring and my husband would sleep with two pillows covering his face so he didn’t hear me. Sometimes I’ve felt so bad that I end up sleeping on the couch. So, my next try to eliminate my Obstructive Sleep Apnea was a dental device, but I had trouble getting used to that also and would take it off at 2 AM every night. My husband has been wonderful, but I feel very guilty snoring so loud. I’d been looking for a better option and I’m hoping Inspire is the one!
Note: To be considered for Inspire, you will have to make an appointment with an Inspire-trained physician to see if Inspire is right for you. Everyone is not eligible and there are no guarantees that it will work. It is covered by most major insurance providers and Inspire will help you with the approval process.
Find a doctor and get more info at: http://gofyi.ly/E13A387D
#NoMaskNoHoseJustSleep #InspireSleep When You Have Obstructive Sleep Apnea & A CPAP Machine is Not An Option
I’m curious how this story ends. Did you get the Inspire device installed and did it help?
Unfortunately, at the time, my insurance wouldn’t approve the procedure, but we have a different insurance now and I’m going to try again.