This post is sponsored by Depend® Brand. All opinions and statements are my own.
It’s been a weird season – as the weather continues to get a little colder and fall arrives, my desire to keep up with my weight-training regime had faded a little and I fear that I’ve lost my inspiration. I’ve come so far, and my health has really improved, and I don’t want to go back to how I was feeling before. I came up with a few ways that I can keep getting my workouts in as I try to find my mojo again. Hopefully this will inspire some of you, if you are losing your mojo, too! How to Keep Exercising When You Lose Your Mojo

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
1. Change Your Routine
Try a new type of exercise you haven’t done before: consider yoga, a spinning class or a fun dance class. Learning new moves will not only banish boredom, but you will also be using different muscles in your body and strengthening them. I used to do Zumba and I’m going to take a class a week and see if I can get some cardio in! How to Keep Exercising When You Lose Your Mojo
2. Get the Whole Family Involved
Grab your partner and/or kids and go for an after-dinner walk or a weekend hike. It will be a great opportunity to catch up with everyone. If you have a dog, be sure to bring it along! We have wonderful trails in the park near my apartment and it brings me back to the days when I used to stroll with my double stroller! How to Keep Exercising When You Lose Your Mojo
3. Treat Yourself to Cute Outfits or Equipment
Whether it’s a new set of dumbbells, a pretty yoga mat or a super-comfy sports bra – treat yourself to something new that will get you motivated and excited about your workout. You deserve it for all your hard work! I look for sales and then love the inspiring things I can pick out. I also just got a super new pink insulated 32-ounce steel water bottle and besides inspiring me to drink more water, if I fill the bottle 2x a day, I can easily hit my 64 ounce minimum water intake goal.
4. Download Fun New Songs
Create a new playlist of fun songs that are upbeat and bring new energy to your workout. Look up online lists or go back to your favorite high school and college top hits. You can also simply play them at home and start dancing for an impromptu calorie-burning session. And yes, Lizzo’s “Juice” or “Truth Hurts” is totally workout friendly for your playlist.

Image by Jess Watters from Pixabay
5. Get a Workout Buddy
Whether it’s a friend or your neighbor, find someone local that has the time and motivation to exercise and schedule some workout sessions together. You will find that on days you are making excuses, your buddy will get you going and vice versa. As a bonus you’ll get to socialize while you work out. If you can’t find a buddy, no worries – get a friend on the phone for a quick chat while you go for a walk.
6. Schedule Mini-Workouts
Find time in between activities to add an extra short workout. For example, if you have a doctor appointment and you’ve arrived a little early, go for a walk around the block. Or if your kids are at an after-school activity, instead of waiting around and going on your phone, use this time to get in a simple workout, such as a quick jog or even a brisk walk.
There are also workout apps (with quick workouts) you can do that are free or subscription-based that you can use to get a workout in. Even if you are standing next to your car. Also – walk up and down stairs as much as possible.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay
7. Start a Journal
Writing down what type of exercise you did, when you did it and how long you exercised is a great way to keep yourself accountable. You can quickly keep track in any note taking app if you don’t have a small notebook handy. Another trick is to write down the exercise before you do it – simply schedule it in your calendar so that it pops up on your phone and you have no choice but to go exercise.

Image by dh_creative from Pixabay
How to Keep Exercising When You Lose Your Mojo | The Mama Maven Blog
What are some tips you would give a friend on keeping up their exercise mojo?
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