I have partnered with The Brand Connection and Allulose to bring you this post, all opinions are my own.
As I get older, my priorities are different and more health challenges have come up. A year ago I was told if I didn’t change things I was going to be diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and frankly, that scared me into really taking charge of my health. My father has Type 2 and I had Gestational Diabetes with my third and last pregnancy, which gives me a higher chance of being diagnosed with it, so I really am trying to avoid it. But that means that I really had to change a lot of things. And I definitely missed my sweet treats. So I’ve had to either make my own or buy treats that now fit into my healthier life. I’ve discovered new sweetener, DOLCIA PRIMA® Allulose, that’s not artificial, has no aftertaste and has 90% less calories than regular sugar. Who wouldn’t be into that?

As I’ve mentioned a lot, my 14 year old son has Type 1 Diabetes and DOLCIA PRIMA Allulose is perfect for him because it doesn’t increase blood glucose or insulin levels, making it a healthy, low-calorie alternative to use in place of sugar by healthy people or individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Keto and Low Carb Diet Followers, DOLCIA PRIMA Allulose is totally compliant!
If you’re on a keto or low carb diet, DOLCIA PRIMA Allulose is totally compliant! Allulose counts as a carb, so DOLCIA PRIMA Allulose provides a carb counter to help you calculate the total number of carbohydrates in your favorite foods made with DOLCIA PRIMA Allulose. It’s also Non-GMO Product Verified.

More about Allulose:
– Allulose is a rare sugar found in nature in very small quantities in certain fruits such as figs and raisins.
– Tate & Lyle, makers of DOLCIA PRIMA® Allulose, has developed a proprietary process to produce Allulose on a commercial scale.
– Clinical Studies have shown that Allulose does not significantly raise blood glucose or insulin levels, and it has been deemed GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) by the FDA, making it a healthy alternative to use in place of sugar.
-Thanks to a decision by the FDA, Allulose is now exempt from being labelled as “Sugars” and “Added Sugars” on labels in the USA.
Look for products made with DOLCIA PRIMA Allulose by visiting their website here: http://allulose.tateandlyle.com/calculator.
If you want Allulose on on your own – you can find it in online. Amazon sells several brands.
Start here: https://amzn.to/3tQBFVy