What does family mean to you? Gone are the days of Ma, Pa, and 2.5 kids. Families have changed.

They don’t look like The Cleavers anymore. Now, it’s normal to see families with two dads or two moms, single parents, stay at home dads.. add a dash of half/step/full/adopted siblings, a side of grandparents, a pinch of aunts, uncles, cousins, a splash of pets, topped off with close friends (and all the combinations thereof). Now you’ve got a modern family — each uniquely quirky — yet picture perfect in its own way.

You’ve probably been hearing a lot of buzz about Grace and Frankie, Netflix’s new funny and fearless original comedy featuring Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston. It’s a perfect example of how today’s families can shift, rearrange and blend in unexpected ways. When Grace and Frankie’s husbands leave them after 20 years of marriage—to be with each other—the women find themselves facing a change that they never expected, but they shift their perspective to get through it together with the support of their new blended family and, of course, a sense of humor.
I love my modern family. I am a work at home parent, although I’ve been a work out of the home parent and a stay at home parent before that. My husband helps with childcare
What is it about your modern family that you wouldn’t trade for anything in the world? Explore the things that make other families unique by watching one of the titles in our list below — whether it’s the Gilmore Girls’ dynamic mother-daughter duo or puppet brother in Crash & Bernstein. Then, ask your kids what it is that makes your family special. After all, family is what you make it.
Family Is What You Make It
For your little kids:

1. Lily’s Driftwood Bay
2. The Tigger Movie
3. Guess How Much I love You
4. Angelina Ballerina
For your big kids:

1. Crash & Bernstein
2. Life with Boys
3. Spy Kids
4. Russell Madness

1. Raising Hope |
Disclosure: I am a member of Netflix’s Stream Team. All opinions are my own. Photos and courtesy of Netflix,
I am curious about the Stream Team? I was under the impression it was only available in the UK and Ireland? Is it invitation only?
No, I’ve done it for two years in the US.