This post is sponsored by Depend® Brand. All opinions and statements are my own.
I love coffee – the taste, the smell, how it makes me feel. You know exactly what I am talking about, right? However, I tend to get very addicted to coffee and since I’ve had stomach issues for the last five years, coffee is just not my friend. I quit a few years ago and in December, after I had my gallbladder removed, I started drinking coffee again. Quickly I was on a 2 nonfat latte a day habit. I got caffeine headaches if I didn’t have my fix. Things were spiraling out of control. I was addicted to coffee again. Finally, in April, I stopped drinking coffee daily. I admit that once every while, I will have an iced latte, but having it every day is just not doable for ME. I didn’t feel well after drinking it and I noticed anytime I drink coffee it affects my bladder. After I quit coffee this time, I noticed that it lessened some of my incontinence symptoms! Honestly, that was reason enough to make me not regret giving up the java. Wondering how I quit my daily coffee habit? Here’s some of my tips. How to Quit Coffee and Not Lose Your Mind | The Mama Maven Blog

Swap coffee with a healthy breakfast
Use food as a morning energy boost instead of coffee. A smoothie with some protein will do the trick (peanut butter, yogurt or protein powder are good options). Too tired to make a smoothie in the morning? Prep the ingredients directly into your blender jar and keep overnight in the fridge. When you get up in the morning simply put the jar onto your blender and press the button. This is also a great breakfast for the kids so you can get the entire family involved – young kids can peel bananas, older kids can cut up fruit, etc.

Prepare for caffeine withdrawal symptoms ahead of time
Caffeine withdrawal can take several days and may involve headaches, fatigue, irritability and anxiety. Accept that you will go through withdrawal for some time – you just have to ride it out and take the bullet. Don’t go off caffeine during a particularly challenging week. Definitely not during the kids’ first week of school! Prep ahead of time – you may have to enlist family members or friends to help you take care of the kids while you’re in withdrawal. Prepare meals and do all laundry ahead of time so that you are not overwhelmed with chores and can focus on relaxing as you go through withdrawal. Try to begin on a weekend and get the kids out of the house on playdates or with another family member so that you can relax.
Treat yourself to caffeine-free alternatives
If you miss a warm drink sip on herbal tea (most decaf coffee still has a small amount of caffeine). Treat yourself to something you love so you don’t feel deprived, such as desserts that don’t involve chocolate (for example, white chocolate, which doesn’t contain caffeine, or a fruity ice cream). Be mindful not to replace your caffeine addiction with a sugar addiction, though. And note, there are caffeine drinks (like Starbucks’ Refreshers line with Green Caffeine) that may be okay for you to drink – just don’t get addicted!

Be prepared for the mid-afternoon slump
Try watermelon, banana or some nuts as a pick-me-up for your afternoon slump instead of coffee. It will be hard not to reach for that Cup of Joe but you’ll be giving your body a boost of vitamins instead!

Go for a brisk walk
Exercise will give you a boost of energy and also elevate your mood. Working out releases endorphins and can also help with anxiety – another symptom of caffeine withdrawal.

We may all have reasons why we quit or cut down on coffee, but know that if you do have incontinence, caffeine can really dry you out and make you use the bathroom more frequently. Different type of caffeine, like drinking tea, is also really drying.
Nearly 65 million Americans experience bladder leakage in one form or another, but bladder leakage doesn’t have to get in the way of living a confident, uninterrupted life.
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