My one vice has been 2 cups of coffee per day. Just to give you an idea, I would have a cup of coffee every few days or so because drinking coffee has definitely worsens my bladder issues. Meaning things have been worse. But that got my mind working, could I find some foods that could help my bladder?

While vitamin C via supplements can worsen an overactive bladder, food rich in vitamin C tends to decrease urinary urgency. If tomatoes and citrus fruit are too acidic for you (I love them, but I do have acid reflux at times), try kiwi and berries, which are especially high in vitamin C, as well as other vitamins.

Alkaline foods, such as pears and blueberries also tend to be gentle on the bladder. Blueberries have also been linked to supporting urinary tract health. I love blueberries and knowing that they’re good for me make me happy.
A vitamin D deficiency has been associated with increased urination so be sure to get enough vitamin D. Being in the sun is not enough. It’s important to consume vitamin D-rich food such as fish, especially salmon and sardines, which are low in mercury. Vitamin D-fortified dairy, such as eggs, yogurt and milk may also help. I have low Vitamin D levels, so I really try to make sure I get enough.
Salty food can trigger bladder issues to try switching to low-salt or no-salt snacks, such as no-salt tortilla chips. You can even bake chip at home and sprinkle just a small amount of salt on them. Try spices such as basil, chives, dill, oregano parsley and thyme.
Food rich in magnesium can help improve nerve function and thus reducing bladder muscle spasms. Try magnesium-rich food, such as fish, whole grains, almonds and green vegetables.
Tea with anti-inflammatory properties, such as chamomile tea, has been knows to reduce symptoms of urinary tract infections. It can also help improve bladder infections, especially by soaking in it during a bath. Try adding a cup or two of hot chamomile tea to your bath. Regular black tea tends to be a trigger for me, as well as coffee, so I’ve tried to cut back where I can.
Meat, such as beef, pork, turkey or chicken is fine if you watch out for acidic sauces or condiments.
Fiber-rich food can help alleviate constipation – something that can put pressure on the bladder, increasing the urge to do. Whole grains, such as whole-wheat bread, brown rice or oatmeal with berries are a good choice.
How To Eat Your Way Through Summer with Overactive Bladder
[…] Summertime is the opportunity time to make sure you are eating variety of fruits and veggies in all colors of the rainbow. The summer harvest is plentiful and the stores are abundant with freshly-grown fruits and veggies that contain vitamins and antioxidants. Here is a post that can help you navigate which foods are bladder-friendly and what to stay away from:… […]